Districts between Nepal Women and Mrs. Nepherlands in the Fourth Tri matches of Nepal T20i Tries Trite 2025 are planned for 2nd February time of 12:00 PM IST in Thhuvan University Grut Grit, Kirtulir.
Get the best np-w vs-w Prompts of dreamsA brightly visible advice, possible to play Xi, and check 4 filesth Terms of Teral T20i Tryi Tri-list 2025. Analysis of experts and more.
Nepal women meet the difficulty, to lose all their matches and do the final work on the table.
In contrast, the Netherlands women show, I’m struggling with one one in one of their two paces and regained the second admiration of the second.
Right, this proves that compensation plays, Nettchlands women were ready to build, while Nepal women look to restore their services.
NP-W VS ND-W Head-Head Record:
Groups |
Matches won |
Mrs. Nepal |
0 |
Mrs. Netherlands |
0 |
NP-W VS ND-W Slay & Puch Report:
Hot |
° C |
Regional |
The clouds slightly |
Processing |
Properly |
Very nice |
Immediate |
About 1 stands |
112 |
History of Group:
Volume |
Poor |
Winning% of% |
39% |
NP-W VS vs-w to play 11s (predicting):
Nepal women play 11: Samijah Kharidka, Tisa Guran, Karabi Mahats, Isissha USt, Ahbiyha Ups
Detherlands women play 11: Babette de Ede ©
NP-W VS-W dreams of cricket players:
Player |
Players match (last match) |
Babette de Edde |
52 running |
Mamet Chaudhary |
Pursuit |
Iris Twin |
28 Running with 1 wicket 1 |
Star |
4 4 |
The Position of the NP-W VS-W userna cricket instructions:
Artist Artist:
Star |
Iris Twin |
Babette de Edde |
Mamet Chaudhary |
Budget to decide:
Puja zahato |
Katuka Kaywarar |
NP-W VS vs-W captaino and Vince-captain choice:
Captain |
Star kais & iris zs |
Vice-an ambassador |
Mwtur Chadur & Babete De Edde |
NP-W VS WHAT ARE SLOT11 Terms of Terms 1:
- Arroser – Babette de Edde
- Buttons – SterRRRAL CROIS, heavy rich, Mwinda Chaudhary (VC)
- Round – iris zilet (c), Eva Lynch, Risna Cheetry
- A stone – Caroline de Lange, Kabita Joshi, Siegers Siegers, Ishori and
NP-W VS ND-W Slot11 Terms of Remind 2:
- The Reload – Babette De Lede (VC)
- Buttons – star kalis (c), Robine heavy, amta chaudary
- All around them – Iris Zullet, I Barma, Rubina Tattery
- A stone – Caroline de ange, Cibita Joshi, Silver Siegers, Hannah Landheer

NP-W VS-W Off11 Today Today’s 4 Nepal T20i Tring’s Women Tries Tritions Tringl Perter Action Action:
Play |
Dreams11 Treasures |
Dreams11 points (last match) |
Roma thumba |
7.0 Parts |
Dmbo |
Pon Mollebor |
7.0 Parts |
10 |
NP-W VS WHERE – WERES11 Today equality of 4 Nepal T20i Women’s 2025 women:
The CLU choice |
Iris Twin |
The election of great |
Star |
Choose |
Hannah Ladhoer and ITTu Barma |
The attachment of dreams |
1-3-34 |
(tagstottranslate) np-w vs-w for predictions
#NpW #vswhospered #dreams #today #resemble #Nepal #T20i #Trilist
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