Anupama Written Update August 10, 2024: Vanraj captured Meenu in a shameful action - You will not believe what happened next!
Main Highlights –
- Vanraj criticized Toshu and Pakhi for not responsible.
- Anuj struggled with the loss of Aadhya and left the house.
- Meenu was intimidated by seniors in the hospital.
- Sagar defended Meenu from a disturbing, but the incident was recorded.
- Vanraj hid the truth about money from Toshu and Pakhi.
- Meenu did not want to tell her uncle about the raging incident.
- Pakhi showed Vanraj Video that was wrongly disrupted Meenu and Sagar.
Anupama Written Renewal August 10, 2024
Frustrated vanraj with family
Vanraj complained about a new disturbance, said people from Asha Bhavan caused problems with their flutes. Pakhi was annoyed because he could not sleep during the day, but Baa stated that their voices at night were worse.
Toshu smiled, and Pakhi questioned why Toshu was there instead of watching Meenu. They argue about who should take care of Meenu, and Vanraj is angry, telling them to package their bags and leave.
Toshu apologized for not watching Meenu properly, but Vanraj criticized them, saying he did not want Meenu to fall in love as they did. He advised Pakhi to focus on his fitness if he could not handle his daughter.
Anuj’s emotional struggle
Anuj, who was filled with emotions, spoke with Aadhya, expressed distrust that he was still alive. He did not want to stay at home and leave, even though Anupama prayed for his strength. Anuj wondered how he would live without Aadhya, while Bala and Nandita looked for him. Anupama continues to pray for solutions.
Meenu’s meeting with a nuisance
Meenu arrived at the hospital, and Sagar advised her to get an injection. When he walked to the hospital, the senior boy surrounded him and began to tease him. He tried to leave, but they were blocking the way.
Meanwhile, Pakhi and Toshu discussed how no one cared about them, and Pakhi said that Meenu was not as clear as him. Baa accepted the courier for Vanraj, but Toshu took it, read it, and was surprised. Vanraj took an envelope from Toshu.
Vision of despair Anuj
Anuj imagined Aadhya called him, but when he reached, he disappeared. Anuj, depressed, walked to the intersection box, saying he did not want to live in the world without him. Anupama prayed to bear the pain for Anuj but felt something was wrong when he felt electric shock.
Sagar defended Meenu
Senior boys demanded the name of Meenu, and he threatened them with a stethoscope. Sagar returned to give him a charger and ask the son to release him. They teased him, but he remained calm until one of them slapped him. Sagar then defended himself and Meenu, standing on the nuisance.
Vanraj’s Secret and Toshu’s Disponcent
Toshu questioned Vanraj about hiding the full amount of money from them. Vanraj refused them, saying it was life and rules. He criticized them for throwing money and irresponsible, telling them that they had to be grateful for getting a penthouse.
Toshu and Pakhi are upset. Meanwhile, the children tore the arm of Meenu, and Sagar gave him uniform to wear, comforting him when people recorded scenes.
Anupama’s Meenu Decision and Suggestions
Vanraj regretted that Toshu saw the letter and worried about what to do next. Anupama asked Bala where Anuj was and was afraid of the worst. Anuj returned, showing a toy key chain resembling Aadhya. Sagar arrived with Meenu, who embraced Anupama and explained about Ragging in college.
They submitted a case, but Meenu did not want to tell his uncle, afraid he would stop him to get out. Anupama advised him to be honest with him before others do it.
Pakhi caused problems
Pakhi showed Virraj video Meenu hugged Sagar and added drama, showing that Meenu was romantic with him with an internship.
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